Monday, December 20, 2010

[WIP] Knight 80%

Working on a variant of my Pyrus Halberd MOC, combining a few of used techniques I had drawn over during my numerous projects.

As for why the "80%" is because I still need for fill torso and waist, since it looks too hollow on it. The rubberband is for maintaining the front axis balanced in the front part and it prevents all the weight from falling the back.

Furthermore, I calculate the estimated time of completition either before Christmas or before New Year's Eve. I have to fix some "family issues" and I have my Graduation Dance this Tuesday, and I have to buy my Gifts :3

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Work In Progress!

Just for those who I did delieved the link.

I'm currently working on another mecha... yes! I can't stop thinking of laygoez :P

Feet are EXTREEEEEMLY fragile, and so I haven't worked on arms yet, since I ran out of white parts (the fuck WHAT).

It's currently on-hold until I get moar...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010


It´s really a shame that LEGO had decided to shut down Bionicle. Being even, they haven´t even released any more sets for finishing the storyline arc (I mean, who will win? Mata Nui?). All the good stuff, and now they´re replacing it with "Hero Factory"; their only pretext was to "experiment with younger people".

As far as I read, it´ll be very hard in these days that people like the global community (grown up; teen, pre-teen & adults) do want to but the sets (please, read the comments people from around the globe have left reminscing this situation). Bionicle was great, and will still be great. Shame for the LEGO company is that they wouldn´t even care to complete the storyline (as I mentioned before). Seeing this, I believe that this decision "could" (maybe, maybe not) bring a problem to them.

I´m not speculating or predicting something, but as I see this could bring some issues within the LEGO Community and the LEGO Builders as I.